Friday, September 21, 2012

Blog 3

     I feel that the market system in the US is a good system. The fact that the market tends to the wants of many Americans keeps it strong. Also another strength is that the government doesn't control the market, allowing them to market the basic wants of the US. The biggest disadvantage though is that it doesn't provide all the basic needs for everyone in the society.
     Many years back my dad started a janitorial company. In his mind he was thinking about the wants and needs of many companies in the Portland metro area. He started out selling cleaning supplies to many companies and soon he started hiring so his company can expand to more janitorial stuff like going and cleaning and not just selling the supplies. The janitorial market is a surprisingly large market in which he flourishes in. I wonder if the US will ever change their economic system to see if other systems work better for the US. 

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