Thursday, December 20, 2012

30 years old

Alright, well I just rolled back into the station and on this day I am turning 30. I've got little time before I return back to the ranch, but I wanted to reflect back on the economy for the past 12 or so year. I first started worrying about it back in my senior year as my Econ teacher, Mr. McManamom, started talking about the national debt. What was it then, a couple billion? No...I think $16 trillion. All I remember is no one had any idea what to do about it and if kept piling up for the next couple of years. Oh and the trade deficit...we imported everything and only exported scraps and machines. All I could remember is that things need to change.

Once I turned 25 things flipped. I looked at a graph showing or national debt and all I remember is that it peeked in 2017 and since then its gradually decreased. Starting off I was screwed. Just graduating college and coming into a job field of a Firefighter/EMT and starting a new life. But I was only broke for one year (what a crazy year) but after that I got money under my feet. A new president was elected, and he fought for education. Kids became more educated and safe with their money. Our national debt is now a couple billion, seems like a lot, but compared to being $16 trillion in 2012 its dropped a ton!

I just wonder if our national debt will ever break even...?

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