Sunday, January 13, 2013

Manifesto 2.0

1. On the issue, "if large corporations are about to go out of business, causing severe problems of unemployment and greatly disrupting the market, should the federal government subsidize them," I am indifferent. On one hand if it were to go bankrupt there would be many employees out of a job, but on the other there's always those poorly managed companies who will be subsidized but become bankrupt again...hello GM. We all know GM is doing well now, but before they were subsidized once and became bankrupt almost right away. If the federal government were thinking about subsidizing a large corporation there are many factors they should consider: how the corporation is managed, future business plans, past financial issues, and who all will be effected and in which way...good or bad.

2. We need to find a way to stop all the spending. Period. Of course we need to spend the money for the mandatory spending, but not so much in the discretionary spending. I know they talk for almost forever on the budget, but yet it never seems to help any situation the US is in. There is way too much medicare, people who have no job and live on the street don't deserve all the medicare they receive, thus the US spending more in medicare for those such people.

3. As of right now the US is $16 trillion in debt. They don't take enough in taxes so they have to borrow from other countries. I believe they should tax the rich a little more. I know they so called "work hard for there money"...yeah right, but say someone makes 3 million dollars and are at 10%, whats that 300,000 dollars they are loosing mean to them? One less Mercedes? The dollar value to them doesn't mean so much to those who are poorer, taxed at the same 10%, make 30,000 dollars a year, loose 3,000 of it, and have to sell a car or find a dumpy apartment to live in. Progressive tax is my solution...well a higher progressive tax rate.

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